

Scaling and Polishing


Revitalize your smile with our expert teeth scaling and polishing services. At our clinic, we understand the importance of a dazzling smile and optimal oral health. Scaling polishing teeth is a non-invasive procedure essential for maintaining healthy gums and bright teeth. It involves the meticulous removal of plaque and tartar buildup, followed by a thorough polish to reveal a lustrous, clean smile. Our skilled dental professionals ensure a comfortable experience, leaving your scaling polishing teeth feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Experience the transformative effects of our scaling and polishing services, restoring your confidence in a radiant smile. Ensure optimal oral health with our specialized dental scaling and polishing service. This treatment meticulously removes plaque and calculus, safeguarding against gum diseases and tooth damage. Our scale and polish treatment ensures a thorough cleanse, leaving your teeth restored to their natural brilliance.

Scaling And Polishing

What is Teeth Scaling?

Teeth Scaling, a common dental procedure involves removal of hardened plaque also known as calculus.
It is a periodontal therapy that also removes stains and tooth discoloration, improving cosmetic appearance

What is Teeth Polishing?

A basic scaling technique leaves your teeth rough, making it necessary for polishing to smooth them out.
Polishing is basically of two types;
Air polishing uses the polishing powder that removes surface stains, mainly medium and heavy stains. For light stains, brush polishing is carried out with a cleaning paste.


What are the benefits of a scale and polish?

A scale and polish is, of course, a great way to keep your teeth and gums healthy. It removes tartar and plaque build ups and leaves your teeth feeling fresh and clean. However, there are more than a few benefits from receiving a scale and polish.

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